
Archive for October, 2009|Monthly archive page

Deadliest month for troops

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2009 at 11:47 am

8 U.S. troops are killed by bombing in Afghanistan–The New York Times

Barely a day since a helicopter crash resulted in the deaths of 4 U.S., an attack on U.S. armored vehicles has lead to the death of 8 more U.S. troops. Fifty-three troops have died this month, making it the deadliest month of the eight year war.

CNN cites troop casualties as a reason that increased troops are needed in Afghanistan. According to the report increased would also increase the safety of deployed troops because there would be more troops available to help seek out roadside bombs and complete other safety measures.

GI Bill Payment Delay

In Uncategorized on October 26, 2009 at 4:30 pm

Delayed befits frustrate veterans–The Daily Texan

Many student veterans at the University of Texas are still waiting for the Post 9/11 GI Bill payment to cover their fall semester tuition. With the approach of spring registrations these students worry that they may have to take out more loans to cover the next semester’s fees.

Update: NATO Defense Ministor endorses troop increase

In Uncategorized on October 23, 2009 at 12:21 pm

From the NY Time aricle:

BRATISLAVA — NATO defense ministers gave their broad endorsement Friday to the counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan laid out by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, increasing pressure on the Obama administration and on their own governments to commit more military and civilian resources for the mission to succeed.

Off my no-blogging hiatus…

In Uncategorized on October 23, 2009 at 10:36 am

I appologize for those you that check my blog for, well, being gone for a while. I’m back on. Here’s a good story to get started:

NATO allies wait on Obama–Fox News

Apparently Defense Secretary Robert Gates has gone to our allies at the UN but they’re saying that they won’t approve an increase in troops unless we go first. It makes sense though, right? After all we declared war.

Thursday, October 15 (update)

In Featured, Politicians on War on October 15, 2009 at 4:34 pm


This is a photo slideshow of two weeks embedded in southern Afghanistan. The pictures are  vivid, but not graphic.

Politicians on War


Blogger Arianna Huffington suggests Biden resign if Obama increases troops in Afghanistan–The New York Times

Huffington is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post. She also write a syndicated column.


Thursday, October 15

In Uncategorized on October 15, 2009 at 4:02 pm

I apologize for inconsistent posting! It’s midterms week and things are pretty crazy. Thanks for checking back– Emily

Tuesday, October 13

In Uncategorized on October 13, 2009 at 12:22 pm

History in the making! I finally cracked 100 views. Thank you so much guys! Please keep checking back.

Breaking News


Monday, October 12

In Homefront, Iraq, Opinion, Politicians on War on October 12, 2009 at 2:02 pm


Politicians on War



Friday, October 9

In Homefront, Iraq, Politicians on War on October 9, 2009 at 10:56 am


More women than men dismissed from military for being gay

1. CNN story

2. Fox News, AP Wire story


Politicians on War

Thursday, October 8 (update)

In Homefront, In Memory on October 8, 2009 at 1:34 pm

These are both stories from earlier this week that I stumbled upon today. I thought they were worth posting, especially the one about Corporal Jason Bogar.

In Memory

A Soldier’s last letter from Afghanistan–CBS News

(Excerpt from the CBS story)

To my family:

I feel my days are numbered so I want to say all this while I still can. I pray to god no-one will ever have to read this but as death is all around me if it falls upon me you will understand my recent feelings on this madness we call life.

My views and outlook on life seems to be drastically changing recently. As many of you saw before I left when I quit drinking, I was just starting to live my life. Never have I felt as strong as I do about what I am doing here in Afghanistan is the right thing to be doing and is understood and accepted by god. As a result of that death is easier to accept.

Coming back over here again seemed more appealing than being in America surrounded by Americans that are more concerned about there next new car, new house, celebrity, ect. Than the threat to the way of life of the west that is so prevalent in the places I‘ve grown to accept as daily life. I hope one day there will be more Americans knowledgeable on the situation with terrorism in Afghanistan and how important it is that it’s destroyed.

Being back here in Afghanistan is exactly were I was supposed to be and where I wanted to be. I feel I’m doing more good over here than I was as an electrician. I knew exactly what I was doing when I re-enlisted Infantry I’m just sorry that you all have to suffer for it now.

For me to prepare myself to take life without hesitation has been a very difficult thing to do. To take away another woman’s son, husband, mans son, brother has always bothered me but through my eyes is understood by my god and I am forgiven. For the man that took my life more than likely for all he has known his whole life he feels the exact same way I do when he killed me. That is what scares me and I don’t think is understood by disappointingly a huge percentage of Americans.

I’ve always used the analogy if your told the color blue is green your whole life and someone tells you it’s actually blue they can give you all the facts in the world to prove it’s blue but at the end of the day it’s still green to you. The enemy were faced with is most of the time beyond words and it comes down to a sad but inevitable conclusion. We have to have young men that are willing to die to act on them and kill them before they can carry out any plans they have to kill innocent people because that is what they believe Allah wants, from distorted teachings of the Koran.

Know that you all are the reason I am here and to give my life for that is nothing to me. My love for every-one of you is what drives me and brings me comfort under stressful situations.

Carise let your child know of me and that even though I was never able to see he/she grow I love them more than they could imagine.


Anti-war protestors arrested outside White House–ABC News in Washington